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Open Government Tools Categorized by the IAP2 Spectrum

The figure below utilizes the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) spectrum to categorize and organize open government tools. Often open government tools can be utilized in very different capacities to engage the public. For instance, an open government mobile application could be used to inform the public or facilitate collaborative design. For that reason, …

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Open Government: Tools, infrastructure, and Practices

“Opening up government data can be an essential measure to increase transparency and accountability, promote participation, and stimulate innovation in institutions.” – (Department of Economic and Social Affairs [DESA], 2016, p. 47) The quickly evolving study, design, and implementation of open government has been accompanied by several common tools, practices, and concepts. This section will …

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U.S. History of Open Government

The United States Constitution and the Records Act of 1789 An important part of understanding the current state of open government, in the United States, is the history of public access to government information. The United States Constitution includes no specific right or process for the public to access government information (Relyea, 2005). Some arguments …

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U.S. Open Government Timeline

Because of the long and complex history of changes in open government legislation and policy, a condensed timeline table has been added for reference and future research. The condensed timeline’s color coded key is described below. Yellow– Policy documents coded in yellow are directly related to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This includes: foundational …

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