Because of the long and complex history of changes in open government legislation and policy, a condensed timeline table has been added for reference and future research. The condensed timeline’s color coded key is described below.

Yellow– Policy documents coded in yellow are directly related to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This includes: foundational legislation for the FOIA, FOIA amendments, executive orders, and OMB and Attorney General Memorandums on the FOIA.

Blue– Policy documents coded in blue are directly related to modern concepts of open government and open government policy. These are typically multifaceted policy documents that address issues like transparency, accountability, participation, collaboration, and strategic open government plans.

Purple– Policy documents coded in purple are directly relate to the management and release of Presidential records.

Green– Policy documents coded in green are directly related to the management of data and the improvement of government services.

Red– Policy documents coded in red deal directly with disclosure of information. While this category is not exhaustive, these policy documents were linked to enough other government policy documents and legislation that it was deemed necessary to include.

A link to the complete research document this timeline was originally published in, entitled Open Government: Innovative Practices, can be found at the link below.

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